Every one of us is equipped with the capacity to enhance our psychic abilities. This potential, often overlooked and sometimes unfairly judged, is a natural aspect of our human capabilities, waiting to be tapped into with the right mindset.

Previously, I delved into the specific methods to access intuitive information. Now, let’s focus on three prevalent subtle senses and how to engage with them more effectively.

There are numerous approaches to develop your psychic skills and intuition. You may already possess a natural tendency to channel energy in healing sessions, experience visions, or navigate beyond the constraints of time and space.

Identifying and building upon your inherent abilities is crucial. This article aims to help you identify your primary psychic or subtle senses and integrate them effectively into your daily life.

To cultivate your psychic talents, select a practice that resonates with you and commit to it regularly. Research shows that consistent practice strengthens the neural pathways in our brain, enhancing our abilities. Dedicating time to refine your connection with your intuition through your subtle senses will make them more accessible and efficient over time.

To optimize your psychic senses, try the following techniques and stick with one for a considerable period. If one doesn’t suit you, switch to another until you find the right fit. While we may have a dominant subtle sense, it’s possible to develop all of them.

Practice Clairsentience

Clairsentience involves understanding people or situations through a heightened sense of feeling. This extrasensory perception extends our human senses and abilities. Clairsentient individuals often sense things intensely but may lack logical explanations for their feelings. They are naturally inclined to offer support and guidance to others.

To enhance this psychic sense, pay attention to your feelings in various daily situations. Whether it’s getting into your car, joining a group, or at work, distinguish between your personal feelings and the surrounding energies.

When making decisions, visualize both outcomes of saying yes or no, and note your feelings. This practice will help you recognize how your feelings align with the outcomes in reality, proving the accuracy of your clairsentience.

Tools that may help:

Practice Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance, or subtle sight, is a prevalent psychic sense involving the ability to receive information through images. People with this gift see outcomes and perceive energy mentally.

Developing clairvoyance can be challenging as it requires time and patience to process the visual information. A technique to strengthen this ability is to combine visualization with the alpha brain state. Regular practice enhances coherence between the left and right brain, aiding in intuitive information processing.

Try visualizing specific issues or life areas, asking questions, and observing the images that appear in your mind. Initially, it may seem like imagination, but clairvoyance uses the same brain areas to visualize these images as it does in actual situations.

Practice Clairaudience

Clairaudience involves receiving information through hearing, including sounds, voices, whispers, and even your own thoughts. Science now shows that thoughts can be measured outside the body before entering the brain, indicating the intuitive nature of subtle hearing.

You can strengthen your subtle sense of hearing through practices like meditation and chanting. Pay attention to the sounds and thoughts that come to you in various situations.

Try connecting with different sounds, such as nature, human speech, animal sounds, etc., and listen for specific words or phrases that resonate with you.

Maintain a High Frequency

Accessing our subtle senses is easier when our physical senses are calm. Taking care of your physical body helps strengthen your intuitive body. If emotional triggers are common, consider healing options to overcome limiting beliefs that may block your intuitive senses.

Supplements which may assist.

How Can Your Intuitive Gifts Benefit You and the World?

Your subtle senses can guide you on your life journey and assist others. Utilize your intuition in healing sessions, in guiding others towards alignment, and to experience synchronicity in everyday life.

Enjoy exploring your subtle senses and observe as they grow stronger.

Until the next time we speak,

~ Tony

Tony Vortex
S.T.E.M. Researcher & Teacher | Healer - Tony is the Spiritual Son to the beloved Dr. Delbert Blair. At age 11 he began to study plant life and their healing mechanisms as it bothered him deeply to see so many older family members needlessly sick. Throughout the years he has been sharing what he knows so that others may live a life full of abundance while exploring its mysteries.

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