Grand Master, Dr. Delbert Blair

February 13, 1934 – January 31st, 2016

“There is NO truth until YOU decide what TRUTH is.”

Remembrance of a Teacher, Scholar, Father, Friend, and much more to many on this day.

Every year henceforth, February 13th will be considered a Holiday for us at The Meta-Center as he laid the ground work for many fantastic journeys we have been on, and many of the souls on this plane we have had the pleasure to meet.

We will be having a Open Lines call later today at 2pm CST (3pm EST / 12pm PST) where we can share what Dr. Blair meant to you, how did you come across him etc.

Light a candle or a incense and meditate in remembrance.

And so it is.

1 thoughts on “Remembering a Master Teacher

  1. Gaynelle B says:

    I heard Dr. Blair numerous times on the Carl Nelson broadcast and since Dr. Blair’s transition I have continued to stay connected through your broadcasts and this website. Thank you so very much for your work. May Dr. Blair live on and rise in power..

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