Greetings Everyone, 


Many are sub coming to fear in these times.  

And take note of those who are responsible for putting the populace in these unnecessary levels of fear. 

The ‘main stream media‘ and ‘governments‘ around the world seem to be purposely putting the populace into a fear based state, via repetition of chaotic trauma based psychological techniques.  

A mind that is not prepared for this will not know what to do and then slowly seep down into primal urges of fight, flee, feed and fornicating. 

We do not listen to the ‘programs’ put forth to the public and we do not allow ourselves to be bombarded with those who have not ever sat in silence (meditated) and/or have zero control of their minds.  These people will make you seem like you’re crazy because of the panic and fear they have within.


Meditate.  Calm your self.  Meditate some more.  Drink some tea.  Calm your self.  


Speak to those who share/have a similar mindset as you and do.  Do not allow yourself to be vibrationally challenged by the internally unprepared. 


Books – Compression20/20 Quantum Clarity will show you what to look out for and how to know what energies you are within

Book – Lessons will show you how to release bad karma, to live in internal peace (within your heart), and to guard your mind.  Lessons has been out (on podcast) since 2012 to prepare many for the middle-path of the valley of darkness.

Book – The Mind Configurator, shows one who hopefully has a guarded mind, how to access the lower levels of the subconscious to bring out ancient gifts/powers (Techniques shown in Super-Human Journey Session 6)

These books were written because we already knew with 100% certainty what was up and what will be needed.  But of course it puts the responsibility of being prepared on YOU.


Lastly, most of the populace has been already infected by ‘the pestilence’ going back decades.  There is literally no need to fear now. (We will explore this in the coming podcast)


Be Well Tea, to boost immunity and super charge internal defenses

Decompress, to relax.  And yes you need to relax.


More information in the coming days.




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